Can chiropractic treatment help with fibromyalgia pain?

Through specific techniques, a chiropractor can restore a skeletal structure to normal functioning. They use adjustments and stretches that work wonders for people who have fibromyalgia. These techniques help with neck pain, back pain, and leg cramps that come with fibromyalgia. If you suffer from these issues, consult your physician and get well-versed with chiropractic care benefits and risks.

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Can chiropractic treatment help a pinched nerve?

Pinched nerves are typically a result of disc issues in the spine or excessive pain in the spinal nerves due to pressure. A chiropractor can help heal the body quickly by employing numerous spinal adjustments, combinations, and other therapies. Their focus is not just on reducing the pain but the overall wellness of the body.

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Does chiropractic treatment help with frozen shoulders?

With their treatment plans, chiropractors can help to increase the shoulder’s range of motion and add speed recovery. The Niel Asher Technique is one of the chiropractic methods to manipulate the joints and muscle tissues. With the help of accurate pressure and stretches, one can get rid of the pain and resolve ailments like frozen shoulders.

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Can chiropractic adjustment help with migraines?

Chiropractic adjustments are notably beneficial in the cases of migraines and headaches. They help to:

  • Ensure proper alignment of the nervous system
  • Restore normal body flow
  • Reduce muscle tension that triggers migraines.
  • Strengthen the muscles that support the spine.
  • Reduce the irritation in the nerves that deliver pain signals to the brain.

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Will chiropractic treatment help with osteoporosis?

Yes, a chiropractor may help someone suffering from the effects of osteoporosis. Many techniques involved in chiropractic care include treating musculoskeletal disorders such as osteoporosis. Your chiropractor may also guide you on nutrition and exercises that can improve bone density.

After properly examining your body, a chiropractor designs a suitable treatment plan. In advanced cases of osteoporosis, the treatment is very gentle using low force techniques.

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Can chiropractic treatment help with fibromyalgia pain?

Chiropractic treatments can help reduce neck, back, and leg pain. It may reduce fibromyalgia pain and give immediate relief without any pain killer or medication. If the spine is properly aligned with the body, half of the body functions automatically improve.

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Does chiropractic help with frozen shoulders?

Chiropractic adjustments that deal with the cervical and thoracic spine are useful for people with frozen shoulders. The different adjustments help improve mobility and reduce pain in the body. Chiropractors work on aligning the spine, making it easier to increase the range of motion in your shoulder.

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Can chiropractic treatment help with a pinched nerve?

Chiropractic care utilizes various methods to realign the spine — which is one of the best ways to handle pinched nerves. A lot of stress can result in pinched nerves, and chiropractors are experts in removing that stress from your body and bringing you back to optimal health.

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Can chiropractic adjustment help migraines?

Chiropractic adjustments can quite efficiently manage and relieve pain caused by migraines. This treatment is a safe, non-invasive, and non-addictive alternative for OTC and prescription medications. It helps increase joint mobility and improves the nervous system, helping your body manage the pain caused by migraines and tension headaches.

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Will chiropractic care help with osteoporosis?

Chiropractic care may help reduce the pain associated with osteoporosis. This treatment involves various chiropractic adjustments, rehabilitative exercises, relaxation techniques, and dietary consultations. A chiropractor provides a full treatment plan after examining your condition and helps reduce the symptoms of osteoporosis. You can prevent further injury and weakening of bones by consulting a chiropractor in the initial stage. If you have concerns about your bone density, make sure to find a chiropractor with low-force techniques.

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Does chiropractic help with plantar fasciitis?

Chiropractic adjustments may alleviate symptoms associated with plantar fasciitis. It helps to balance the pelvis and low back, reducing stress on the ligaments of the legs and feet and minimizes secondary injuries and is non-invasive. Patients dealing with plantar fasciitis should discuss treatment options with a reputed chiropractor in order to better understand the underlying condition.

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Can chiropractic help with shoulder tendonitis?

Many shoulder problems stem from nerve impingement in the neck, and chiropractic care is excellent at handling those. Some chiropractors are also skilled at adjusting the shoulder joint. Improved nervous system communication speeds up healing and may decrease inflammation which helps shoulder tendonitis heal.

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Can chiropractic care help with allergies?

Many chiropractic patients report improvements in their seasonal allergies after starting chiropractic care. Chiropractic works by improving brain-body communication and has a positive impact on the immune system. This general strengthening of the body allows it to handle allergies better and maybe the reason for the improvement in allergy symptoms.

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Can a chiropractic adjustment help with sinuses?

The sinuses may be affected by many things, including environmental triggers, cranial/facial bone misalignment, and even misalignment in the neck. Chiropractors can help with sinus problems by evaluating your head and neck and gently correcting any issues they find.

It may also help with chronic sinus issues. Chiropractic may stimulate drainage and prevent the buildup of mucus. Thus, the signal transmission from the nervous system to the sinuses improves automatically.

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Does chiropractic help degenerative disc disease?

Chiropractic care helps patients suffering from degenerative disc disease by reducing inflammation and improving spinal motion. This also improves intervertebral disc function but only when the patient doesn’t have advanced disc degeneration.

The chiropractor uses specific spinal adjustments and techniques, or instrument-assisted adjustment, depending on the patient’s situation.

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Can chiropractic help herniated discs in the back?

Herniated discs can occur anywhere along the spine and affect the lower back and neck region. Chiropractors adjust the spine and many provide self-care direction, exercises, and a nutritional diet.

They also properly test the nerve functions, reflexes, and muscle tones. The chiropractor uses low force techniques to eliminate the painful symptoms by manipulating the spine around and at the herniated disc.

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Does chiropractic care help with vertigo?

Vertigo is mostly linked with inner ear problems, and chiropractic care may effectively reduce them. A chiropractor gently adjusts the upper neck to eliminate misalignments and ensure proper fluid drainage, reducing the issues of vertigo. Regular chiropractic adjustments can help the upper cervical vertebrae to stay aligned and eradicate the symptoms.

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Can chiropractic care help arthritis in the neck?

Chiropractic care is one of the safest therapies you can use in the case of osteoarthritis. Gentle spinal manipulations with exercises and an anti-inflammatory diet recommended in chiropractic care can decrease pain and inflammation.

Using different degrees of force to align the joints, chiropractors can improve the relationship between the nervous system and the spine. This also increases mobility and affects the functioning of the entire body.

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Can a bulging disk be helped with chiropractic treatment?

Many athletes as well as people with physical jobs often experience bulging discs or other disc issues. Chiropractic care is the safest and drug-free way to treat people suffering from this. This care method is non-invasive and does not involve any drugs or injections.

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How effective is chiropractic treatment for spondylolisthesis?

Chiropractic care is one of the best nonsurgical methods to reduce pain associated with spondylolisthesis. Chiropractors evaluate the whole spine regardless of whether you complain about spondylolisthesis symptoms or chronic lower back pain. With proper care, the patients can optimize good spinal mechanics and improve spinal function and posture.

However, chiropractors cannot reduce the slippage of spondylolisthesis. This care mainly addresses the spinal joints above and below the spinal joints of the slipped vertebra.

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Can chiropractic treatment help trigeminal neuralgia?

Chiropractic care focuses on the nervous system and spine and may be beneficial for trigeminal neuralgia. Nerves that are not properly functioning are often linked with the spine’s misalignment, and a chiropractor can help ease the pain and symptoms.

With proper adjustments, you can remove the nerve interference so that proper signals can pass through the body. A chiropractor can help reduce the shocks and pain associated with trigeminal neuralgia.

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How long does chiropractic treatment last?

A chiropractic plan takes into account your goals and the severity of the problem. The chiropractor will often also usually recommend self-help and home-based treatments. The patient’s level of pain, activity, and disability along with their goals decides the chiropractic plan.

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How long before chiropractic treatment works?

The result of the chiropractic treatment plan depends on the extent of your problem. Typically, you can see improvement after 1 to 4 weeks of chiropractic care.

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Can chiropractic treatment help tinnitus?

According to several clinical trials, chiropractic treatments have been found to ease tinnitus symptoms. Chiropractic care focuses on balancing the neck and head, often relieving the troublesome symptoms.

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How effective is chiropractic treatment for scoliosis?

Scoliosis cannot easily be treated with only one or two chiropractic appointments. You need to find one specifically trained in the treatment of scoliosis to get the best results. Try to find a chiropractor who provides an integrative treatment approach for it.

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Does chiropractic treatment work for sciatica?

Chiropractic treatment can gently and naturally remove sciatica pain. Chiropractic care can also help relieve pain without any harmful and costly side effects. It relieves spinal and joint stress which decreases nerve tension and pain. As a bonus, the adjustment also releases endorphins which work as natural painkillers for your body.

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When should I stop chiropractic treatment?

Many pregnancy chiropractors work with you to accomplish a specific goal. Talk to your chiropractor if you feel you have achieved it. Some women stop chiropractic care after their pain is gone, some stop after the birth of their baby, and some continue on for wellness care after birth.

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Should I ask my OB doctor about chiropractic care?

Chiropractic care is safe during pregnancy. If you have an autoimmune disorder, it’s a good idea to talk with your MD or OB before you make any decisions. Chiropractors are considered primary care doctors and perform thorough exams and testing specifically designed for pregnancy.

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Are there chiropractic treatments that can specifically help with pregnancy?

Yes, there are chiropractic treatments that can help in dealing with specific pregnancy issues. Pregnant women often deal with back, hip, and wrist pain, and a chiropractor can help eliminate them with a few adjustments.

Specific techniques like the Webster technique can help with intrauterine tension and may positively impact the positioning of the baby.

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What is the Webster technique?

The Webster technique is a specific form of chiropractic care for pregnancy. The technique focuses on balancing the pregnant woman’s pelvis, sacrum and the ligaments and muscles around these areas. By balancing the pelvis, it removes intrauterine tension that may affect the baby’s position.

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What are the pain relief benefits of prenatal chiropractic care?

Chiropractic care can assist in reducing labor time and delivery. It is one of the best ways to reduce lower back pain, joint pain, and neck pain.

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What can I expect from my prenatal chiropractor?

Chiropractic care during pregnancy is very similar to what you get when you are not expecting. If you’re a new patient to our practice, you’ll be asked to fill out an intake form where you will detail your medical history and pregnancy due date. The actual visit with our chiropractor will include the following:

  • Physical assessment by the chiropractor to identify the specific areas of misalignment and dysfunction
  • Advanced testing allows us to pinpoint the exact areas of spinal stress and how long it has been there
  • A customized treatment plan according to the medical history and assessment results
  • Safe and gentle adjustments help the women feel better and achieve positive results.

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Can a chiropractor help with pregnancy nausea?

With chiropractic care, you can easily tackle morning sickness and nausea. Nausea and vomiting may be improved by realigning the spine and improving the brain-body connection. Many women report the severity of morning sickness decreases with chiropractic care during pregnancy.

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How often should you see a chiropractor during pregnancy?

How often you see a chiropractor in pregnancy depends on your health history, examination findings, and goals. A pregnancy-trained chiropractor will work with you to create a custom plan based on your pain levels, where you are in your pregnancy, and what you are trying to accomplish.

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Can I go to the chiropractor early in my pregnancy?

You can visit a chiropractor anytime during pregnancy. Many women see chiropractors at the start of their first trimester, as it helps to monitor changes to their body over the course of pregnancy.

Your chiropractor will advise you as to the best care plan based on your goals, your health history, and your stage of pregnancy.

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Can a chiropractor help with SPD in pregnancy?

During the third trimester, many pregnant women tend to suffer from Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction, also known as SPD. This leads to excessive pain in the groin and pubis, especially while walking, twisting, and moving around.

Chiropractors are trained to make simple adjustments to help restore the pelvic function in the body. They know how to reduce the load on symphysis and inflammation and bring relief.

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Can a chiropractor help with sciatic nerve pain during pregnancy?

Chiropractic care is a great way to relieve sciatic nerve pain. Chiropractors specialize in the treatment of nerve pain and postural distortions that affect joints and other areas.

Chiropractors either use a tool or their hands to eliminate spinal stress and provide relief. With regular adjustments, expectant mothers can significantly alleviate the cause of sciatic nerve pain.

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Can a chiropractor help with pregnancy back pain?

Around 50-70% of pregnant women experience back pain, which is especially common as the baby grows in size. Chiropractic care is a great solution because it is a non-invasive, safe, and drug-free method to relieve pain.

Chiropractic care also provides other benefits like faster and easier labor, more mobility, quicker recovery times, improved flexibility, and more.

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Can a chiropractor help with pregnancy?

A pregnant woman’s body goes through many physical changes, especially to the low back and pelvis. A chiropractor can help with pregnancy by keeping the pregnant mom more comfortable, fixing misalignments before they get too bad, and keeping the body balanced. Pregnant women who use chiropractic during pregnancy report less back pain and sciatica, fewer headaches, better sleep, and easier labor and delivery.

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What does a chiropractor do for pregnancy?

During pregnancy, a woman’s body ramps up the production of many joint and ligament-loosening hormones that aid in forming a way for the baby’s exit. However, the combination of these hormones along with a swollen belly can affect the spine and the posture of a woman’s body.

A chiropractor can realign and adjust the spinal column to reduce the pain and improve flexibility. This care can greatly improve mom’s comfort, and help her have an easier labor and delivery.

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Is chiropractic care safe for mother and child?

Regular chiropractic care is gentle, safe, and drug-free. It is safe for the mother when done by a pregnancy-trained chiropractor. The mother can improve various problems like back pains, joint pains, and misalignments caused during pregnancy.

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Is chiropractic care safe during pregnancy?

Yes, visiting a chiropractor during pregnancy is safe and beneficial. A reputable, pregnancy-trained chiropractor can assist you with spinal adjustments and help align the pelvis for a healthy pregnancy.

Regular chiropractic care during pregnancy helps maintain a balanced pelvis, decreasing intrauterine tension that may contribute to positioning problems with the baby.

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Can I see a chiropractor during pregnancy?

Chiropractic care can help women eliminate spinal stress and have a more comfortable pregnancy. Chiropractic care is safe and beneficial for the mother. Webster certified chiropractors have taken additional training and are well versed in problems of pregnancy, including sciatica, SPD, low back pain, rib pain, and other aches.

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